Red Cross | Instructor Development
Durham First Aid Inc. is a Canadian Red Cross Instructor Development Centre, which means you can train with us to become:
- CPR Instructor
- First Aid and CPR Instructor
- Advanced First Aid Instructor (BLS, First Responder & Emergency Medical Responder)
- Youth Leader for Red Cross Stay Safe! and Babysitter Courses
- Psychological First Aid Instructor
- Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED Transfer Courses (for current instructors of another agency)
For current instructors we offer recertification’s for:
- Red Cross First Aid and CPR/AED Instructors
- Advanced First Aid Instructors (First Responder & Emergency Medical Responder)
Scroll down to find the right course for you:
Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED Instructor Course
This course is for those that want to instructor the Red Cross core programs of First Aid &/or CPR.
With this Certification you can teach the following Red Cross programs:
- CPR/AED Level A & C
- Emergency First Aid and CPR/AED Level A & C
- Standard First Aid and CPR/AED Level A & C
- Standard First Aid & CPR/AED Level C certification. (Not certified? register for this course here)
- 18 years of age.
For more information, view the DFA Fact Sheet FAI
Red Cross First Aid & CPR Instructor Recertification
A course for current Red Cross First Aid &/or CPR instructors who require a recertification to keep their certification current.
The following are prerequisites for taking the First Aid &/or CPR Instructor recertification (you must meet all three)
- That the chosen course date is before your current certification expiry date (if you are expired email us at for assistance)
- You have taught a minimum of 3 Red Cross First Aid &/or CPR courses since your last recertification.
- That you completed the Red Cross program update which was released in March 2017.
Course Time: 1 day
Red Cross First Aid & CPR/AED Discipline Specific (Formally known as Transfer Courses)
- Are you currently a First Aid &/or CPR for another organization that wants to become a Red Cross First Aid &/or CPR Instructor. If you are you qualify for Transfer Option #1 (Fundamentals of Instruction | FOI) – DFA Fact Sheet Transfer Courses
- Are you currently a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI), Basic Life Support Instructor (BLSI), First Responder Instructor (FRI), Emergency Medical Responder (EMRI), or Youth Facilitator with the Canadian Red Cross and would like to become a Red Cross First Aid &/or CPR instructor? If so Transfer Option #2 is for you (Discipline Specific First And &/or CPR Instructor Course) DFA Fact Sheet Transfer Courses
Professional Responder Instructor Certification
BLS Instructor | First Responder Instructor | Emergency Medical Responder Instructor
The Red Cross has a variety of Professional Responder (pre-hospital care) instructor courses, they are as follows:
- Basic Life Support Instructor [Ability to Instruct BLS, Airway Management (AM) and Oxygen Therapy (OT)]
- First Responder Instructor [Ability to Instruct BLS, AM, OT, First Responder (FR)]
- Emergency Medical Responder Instructor [Ability to Instruct BLS, AM, OT, FR, Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) and Marine Advanced First Aid (MAFA)]
See course fact sheet for more information DFA Fact Sheet PRI
- Participant Level Certification in the Professional Responder Level Course you are seeking instructor status. (insert link here to the registration page)
- 18 years of age.
Red Cross Professional Responder Instructor Recertification (BLSI | FRI | EMRI)
A course to recertify your BLS, First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder Instructor certification. In order to recertify the following three conditions must be met:
- That the chosen course date is before your current certification expiry date (if you are expired email us at for assistance)
- You have taught a minimum of 3 Red Cross courses since your last recertification (one must be at the highest level you are recertifying).
- That you completed the Red Cross program update which was released in September 2018.
Red Cross Professional Responder Instructor Discipline Specific (Formally known as Transfer Courses)
- Are you currently a BLS, First Responder or an Emergency Medical Responder Instructor for another organization that wants to become a Red Cross First Aid &/or CPR instructor? If you are you qualify for Transfer Option #1 (Fundamentals of Instruction) – DFA Fact Sheet Transfer Courses
- Are you currently a Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI), First Aid &/or CPR Instructor, or Youth Youth Facilitator with the Canadian Red Cross and would like to become an Advanced First Aid Instructor (BLS, FR or EMR levels) with the Red Cross? If so Transfer Option #2 is for you (Discipline Specific Instructor Course) DFA Fact Sheet Transfer Courses
Course Length: Online + 2 days in class
Youth Leader
This course if for those that would like to become a Red Cross Youth Leader. As a youth leader you are able to facilitate the Red Cross Babysitter and Stay Safe! programs. For more information, view the course fact sheet Youth Leader Fact Sheet .This course is done online with a teaching experience component.
Teaching Experience Supervisor
Building upon their existing Instructional skills, Teaching Experience
Supervisor candidates will develop the skills required to support Red
Cross First Aid Instructor/Youth Leader candidates completing their
Teaching Experience across all disciplines.
TES Fact Sheet
- Current Red Cross Instructor Certification
Course Length: Online Course (approximately 4 hours)
Psychological First Aid Instructor Course
This course is for those that are looking to facilitate the Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid course. This is 4 day comprehensive course, which includes the Fundamentals of Instruction for the Canadian Red Cross as well as a discipline specific in-class component specific to facilitating this exciting new Red Cross program.
Course Length: 4 days
Prerequisite: Red Cross Psychological First Aid Participant Level Certification (Not certified? register for this course here)
Psychological First Aid Instructor Transfer Course
This course is for current Red Cross Instructors (Water Safety, First Aid, Advanced First Aid) looking to facilitate the Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid course. This is 2 day comprehensive course, which includes the discipline specific in-class component specific to facilitating this exciting new Red Cross program.
Prerequisite: Current Red Cross Instructor & participant level Psychological First Aid Course (Not certified? register for this course here)
Course Length: 2 days
Psychological First Aid Instructor Recertification Course
Prerequisite: Must have a current Canadian Red Cross Psychological First Aid Instructor Certification & taught a minimum of one PFA course since certification.
Course Length: Virtual Instructor Lead Online class – 4.25 hours in length
Course Price: $100 + HST
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor

This is for instructors new to the Canadian Red Cross, for those that want to deliver the Canadian Red Cross Wilderness & Remote First Aid courses, including Remote First Aid, Wilderness First Aid. Course content focuses on instructional techniques, including delivering scenarios, organizing courses and how to support dynamic, learner-centred classroom environments.
Prerequisite: Remote or Wilderness First Aid Certification
Wilderness & Remote First Aid Instructor Transfer (Discipline Specific)

This 2 day course is for Canadian Red Cross Instructors of another discipline (WSI, FAI, PRI, PFAI) that have already completed the Fundamentals of Instruction and are looking to add Remote & Wilderness First Aid Instruction to their portfolio. Course content focuses on instructional techniques, including delivering scenarios, organizing courses and how to support dynamic, learner-centred classroom environments.
Prerequisite: Current Red Cross Instructor of another Discipline (FAI, PRI, PFAI, WSI) & Remote or Wilderness First Aid Certification
Remote, Wilderness & Wilderness First Responder Instructor Recertification
A course for current Red Cross Wilderness First Aid & CPR instructors who require a recertification to keep their certification current.
The following are prerequisites for taking the Remote or Wilderness First Aid & CPR Instructor or Wilderness First Responder Instructor recertification (you must meet all three)
- That the chosen course date is before your current certification expiry date (if you are expired email us at for assistance)
- You have taught a minimum of 3 Red Cross courses since your last recertification (one must be a wilderness or remote first aid).
- That you completed the Red Cross program update which was released in Fall 2021.