

    Durham First Aid Logo


    Red Cross Professional Responder Instructor Recertification (BLS | FRI | EMRI)


    A course to recertify your Professional Responder Instructor Certification (BLS, First Responder or Emergency Medical Responder Instructor).


    In order to recertify your First Aid &/CPR Instructor Certification must be meet the following four criteria:


    1. You are a current non expired Red Cross Professional Responder Instructor (BLSI, FRI, EMRI)
    2. That the chosen course date is before your current certification expiry date (if you are expired email us at erika@durhamfirstaid.com for assistance)
    3. You have taught a minimum of 3 Red Cross courses since your last recertification (of which one must be of the highest level you wish to recertify to)

    Select your course:

    Name(s) *

    Current Certification Card

    (max file size 1 GB)

    Date of Birth *


    SKU: N/A Category:

    Additional information

    Recertification Course Required

    Discipline Specific PRI, HUB, HUB & Discipline Specific PRI, 2024 – PRI Recert


    January 27, March 24, April 28