

    Durham First Aid Logo


    Stay Safe!


    A youth program for ages 9 – 13, developed by the Canadian Red Cross to teach safety awareness and first aid skills to elementary school-aged youth. Lessons taught by the Youth Leaders are supported by an interactive workbook. Participants work through variety of everyday situations that are potentially dangerous and they learn to check for safety, call for help, and care for an injured person.See Course Fact Sheet


    Pre-requisite: 9 years old or completion of grade 3



    Participant Name *

    Name(s) of the person(s) taking the course

    Emergency Contact Name and Cell Number *

    Person who can be contacted in case of Emergency on the day of the course.

    Participant Age *

    List the age of the participant(s)


    List any allergies the participant(s) may have, if they are airborne or ingested and if they are anaphylaxis.


    SKU: EmergencyFirstAidCPR/AED-1-1-2 Categories: ,


    A youth program for ages 9 – 13, developed by the Canadian Red Cross to teach safety awareness and first aid skills to elementary school-aged youth. Lessons taught by the Youth Leaders are supported by an interactive workbook. Participants work through variety of everyday situations that are potentially dangerous and they learn to check for safety, call for help, and care for an injured person. See Stay Safe Course Fact Sheet

    Prerequisite: 9 years old or completion of grade 3

    Additional information


    In Class, Virtual


    July 4, 2024 – Oshawa, July 21, 2024 – Oshawa, August 18, 2024 – Oshawa, August 27, 2024 – Whitby, August 29, 2024 – Whitby, August 30, 2024 – Oshawa, October 26, 2024 – Oshawa